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  1. Achtung Panzer! Stalingrad och Charkov

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    Florence Scovel Shinn

  3. Descartes' Meditations

    Rene Descartes

  4. How to Be an Astrologer: Everything You Need to Interpret Anyone's Birth Chart for a Complete, Accurate, and Revealing Astrological Reading

    Constance Stellas

  5. CANNABIS & WOMEN: Marijuana Therapeutics for Women CBD & THC: Ancient Medicine to Flourish in the Modern World

    Oneida Powell

  6. Your Word is Your Wand & The Game of Life and How to Play It : Love One Another: Advices for Verbal or Physical Affirmation

    Florence Scovel Shinn

  7. St Augustine: Philosophy in an Hour

    Paul Strathern

  8. The Socrates Express : In Search of Life Lessons from Dead Philosophers

    Eric Weiner

  9. Tell Your Children : The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence

    Alex Berenson

  10. What’s Missing? : Collecting and Exhibiting Europe

    Suay Aksoy, Ferda Ataman, Sophia Avramidou, Matthias Beitl, Susanne Boersma, Magda Buchczyk, Kieran Burns, Anne Chahine, Denis Chevallier, Eva Chevallier­Kausel, Iris Edenheiser, Albert Gouaffo, Hans­Joachim Gruda, Fatma Gul, Eeva­Kristiina Harlin, Brigitte Heck, Mieste Hotopp­-Riecke, Susan Kamel, Wolfgang Kaschuba, Swantje Köbsell, Mahret Ifeoma Kupka, Klára Kuti, Erica Lehrer, Sharon Macdonald, Saad Malik, Gerald McMaster, Markus Moehring, Akiko Mori, Marlen Mouliou, Franziska Mucha, Ace North, Małgorzata Oleszkiewicz Oleszkiewicz, Diana Pardue, Patricia Rahemipour, Jane Redlin, Dachil Sado, Richard Sandell, Anna Schmid, Judith Schühle, Hermann Simon, Matt Smith, Imani M. Tafari­-Ama, Elisabeth Tietmeyer, Beate Wild, Jana Wittenzellner, Irene Ziehe, Inge Zwart

  11. An Ugly Truth : Inside Facebook’s Battle for Domination

    Sheera Frenkel, Cecilia Kang

  12. Machiavelli: Philosophy in an Hour

    Paul Strathern
