Without immigration, populations across all the Baltic Sea states shrink. What happens when demographic pressures push countries of previously and persistently high emigration to rethink their immigration policies? In the Baltic Sea region, immigration still constitutes a largely unused resource for development and strengthened competitiveness. We have to start viewing human migration and mobility as the resources for welfare improvement that they have the potential to be. But in order to tap into this resource, it is crucial to manage the challenges associated with migration, mobility and integration.
This report captures a selection of some of the most thought-provoking expert contributions to the project “Migration as part of a policy for increased competitiveness” – a collaboration of think tanks and research institutes working with issues of migration and integration in the Baltic Sea region. In eleven chapters that refl ect the wealth and range of knowledge that has been shared and discussed in the course of this project, the report covers themes such as multiculturalism, the dangers of austerity politics, and the Europeanisation of migration policy. It also gives an accessible overview of recent developments in migration and integration policy in the Baltic States, Sweden and Poland.