Japan’s origin story dates from the eight century CE, written in the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki. From the first creation of heaven, earth and the Japanese archipelago from the tip of a spear by the gods Izanagi and Izanami, Shinto and Buddhist traditions make up the cornerstones of Japanese mythology. Japanese Myths provides a clear, concise introduction to this fascinating if little- known world. Find out about Hachiman (八幡神), the mighty god of war and the divine protector of Japan and its people. Marvel at Fujin (風神), the god of the wind, a popular but terrifying demon – his bag of air is thought to move all the world’s winds, and he is a powerful force of nature alongside his brother, the thunder god Raijin. See Hotei (布袋), the “Laughing Buddha” and one of the most well-known symbols of Buddhism – rubbing his belly is said to bring good luck. And enjoy the myth of Shita-kiri Suzume, or “Toung-Cut Sparrow”, which explores the effects of greed, friendship and jealousy. Illustrated with 150 photographs and artworks, Japanese Myths is an accessible, entertaining and highly informative exploration of everything from the kami holy spirits venerated in Shinto religion to the divine origins of the Japanese imperial family.
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