Imagine having the ability to always make calculated decisions in your life, uninfluenced by impulse, and are best for you. Imagine being able to traverse, contemplate and respond appropriately to your own thoughts, with simple and easy techniques. Welcome to the exclusive world of journaling.
Journal keeping is an art somewhat lost in time, however, its relevance is at its pinnacle in this modern era.
Countless icons throughout time have partaken in this craft, ranging from Albert Einstein, Marie Currie, Leonardo DeVinci and Anne Frank.
Discover how to befriend stress, anxiety, depression, and many other inhibitions, and reduce their presence in your life.
Achieve your goals with confidence and ease. Effortlessly track your progress on becoming the best and most true version of yourself.
“People who keep journals have life twice.” - Jessamyn West (1902-1984), highly accomplished novelist and writer.
In this book, you will be introduced to the special truths about journaling. You will then have everything you need to become the authority of your own reality. Whatever improvements you wish to see, health, wealth, cognitive behaviour, more fruitful relationships, you are guaranteed to make some serious and enlightening headway. You just need a pen, paper, and these proven strategies.
Expression really is the opposite of depression.
The guidelines for journaling have been made so easy to follow that you will have success with it, even if you currently lack dedication or motivation in your life.
No matter who you are, what you do or where you are in life, you can benefit greatly from this book. Attaining heightened awareness of oneself will always be invaluable. There is so much you can do with it, and if you don’t know how, you will. That’s why this book is for you!
7 mins in and still about what journaling can do, and of course self promote, but no actual advice.
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