I almost gave up on love. My ex, who called his private parts ‘Nigel’, was enough to put me off men forever. But then I met Joe.
Alice thought she’d found Mr Right. Her blue-eyed boyfriend Joe gives her butterflies, makes her bacon sandwiches when she’s hungover, and doesn’t have a nickname for any of his body parts.
She should have known it was too good to be true. Because one day, Alice and Joe bump into Zoe. According to him, Zoe’s ‘just an old friend’. But Alice saw the way they froze, and heard the strange note in Joe’s voice when he said her name.
Then, out of the blue, Zoe needs a place to live. And Joe has the bright idea of inviting her, and her fluffy ginger cat Frazzle, to stay with them.
Alice tries her hardest not to feel threatened. But the thing is, Zoe doesn’t survive off microwave meals, or go days without washing her glossy copper-coloured hair, or accidentally get mascara in her contact lenses.
Joe’s ex might be pretty much perfect, but there’s no way that Alice will let Zoe steal him. She’s on a mission to prove that three (four, if you count the cat) is definitely a crowd…
This fabulous, feel-good book is for anyone who has ever got a little too drunk and checked out their partner’s ex! (We’ve all been there…) Fans of romantic comedies by Sophie Kinsella and Lindsey Kelk, and TV shows like Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Jane the Virgin, will love this utterly relatable listen.
Om hur allt kan förändras på bara ett möte. Ett möte som skulle betyda en framtid. Men slutar i en bar, med mögel under mattan och fryst mat. Om att hitta tillbaka till det som man innan trodde var så tydligt som himlen är blå. En historia som skiftar ifrån sig(lite förvirrande) mot en tidigare histora. Om att hålla en hemlighet ingen ska utsättas för. (Kan vara ljudboken som gjorde det jobbigt att fatta om det var då eller nutid). Hon vaknar upp som ett liv som advokat. Men slutar som chef för en pub. Tillsammans med kärleken, kommer kärleken till livet och de regelbundna. En bergodalbanna med känslor sista timmen.🌀
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