The contributions gathered in this volume attempt to take varied perspectives on current state of art within the field of linguistics, sociolinguistics and ethnolinguistics. This vast interpretative perspective stretches from the modern European and American conceptualisations of the societal identity, through the extralinguistic reality hidden behind the language expressions and phraseology in order to complete this image with the insightful presentation of various linguistic diasporas. Sociopragmatic and ethnolinguistic considerations accomplish this attempt to represent the leading themes of modern linguistic studies. Diverse methodological and empirical perspectives are employed in the present volume – from socio- and ethnolinguistic issues through (inter)cultural and communication studies to good practices in translatology.
Bi- and Multilingualism from Various Perspectives of Applied Linguistics
bookBinomials in English/Polish Company Registration Discourse : The Study of Linguistic Profile and Translation Patterns
Edyta Więcławska
bookAnalysing Discourse, Analysing Poland : The Case of a Political Interview
bookTheory and Practice of Polish Language Teaching : New Methodological Concepts
bookRelationship Matters : Teacher Variables and Learner Emotions in the Foreign Language Learning Process
Czesław Kiński
bookEU Regulations as a Hybrid Genre : A Linguistic View of the European Democratic Deficit
Virginia Vecchiato
bookPolish as a foreign and second language among Ukrainian migrants
Den nya staten : ideologi och samhällsförändring kring sekelskiftet 1900
Per Hammarström
bookThe Guide to Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction : 6 Steps to Writing and Publishing Your Bestseller!
Philip Athans, R. A. Salvatore
bookDet heta könet : gynekologin i Sverige kring förra sekelskiftet
Ulrika Nilsson
bookSummary of The Wise Man's Fear
Paul Adams
bookFrån idé till bokmanus
Pernilla Lindroos
bookMisslyckas igen, misslyckas bättre
John Ajvide Lindqvist
bookDet ockulta sekelskiftet : Esoteriska strömningar i Hilma af Klints tid
Per Faxneld
audiobookTag och skriv! : Fjorton författare om sitt skrivande
Klas Östergren
bookSkuldsatt : om hur obetalda lån blev en lysande affärsidé
Lena Pettersson
audiobookbookFuskbygget : så knäckte bostadsmarknaden Sverige och världen
Andreas Cervenka
bookDe sista bödlarna : berättelsen om en yrkeskårs upplösning
Isak Lidström
audiobookbookFuskbygget : Så knäckte bostadsmarknaden Sverige och världen
Andreas Cervenka