Gaston Maspero, célebre égyptologue français, titulaire a la chaire de philologie et antiquités égyptiennes du College de France, nous explique tout sur l'architecture égyptienne dans ce texte. Sont abordés : l'architecture civile et militaire, l'architecture religieuse, les tombeaux, la peinture et la sculpture, les arts industriels.
Egyptian Archaeology : Illustrated Guide to the Study of Egyptology
Gaston Maspero
bookEgyptian Archaeology : Illustrated Guide to the Study of Egyptology
Gaston Maspero
bookDiscovery of Ancient Egypt: History, Archaeology & Ancient Texts
Arthur Gilman, George Rawlinson, E. A. Wallis Budge, Gaston Maspero, Agnes Sophia Griffith Johns
bookAncient Egypt: History, Archaeology & Ancient Sources : The Book of the Dead, The Magic Book, Stories and Poems of Ancient Egypt, The Rosetta Stone…
Arthur Gilman, George Rawlinson, E. A. Wallis Budge, Gaston Maspero, Agnes Sophia Griffith Johns
bookDiscovery of Ancient Egypt: History, Archaeology & Ancient Texts : Unraveling Egypt's Enigmatic Past: Scholarly Insights & Ancient Manuscripts
Arthur Gilman, George Rawlinson, E. A. Wallis Budge, Gaston Maspero, Agnes Sophia Griffith Johns
bookAncient Egypt: History, Archaeology & Ancient Sources : The Book of the Dead, The Magic Book, Stories and Poems of Ancient Egypt, The Rosetta Stone…
Arthur Gilman, George Rawlinson, E. A. Budge, Gaston Maspero, Agnes Sophia Johns
bookEgyptian Archaeology : Illustrated Guide to the Study of Egyptology
Gaston Maspero
bookAncient Egypt: History, Archaeology & Ancient Sources : The Book of the Dead, The Magic Book, Stories and Poems of Ancient Egypt, The Rosetta Stone…
Arthur Gilman, George Rawlinson, E. A. Wallis Budge, Gaston Maspero, Agnes Sophia Griffith Johns
bookAncient Egypt: History, Archaeology & Original Texts
Arthur Gilman, George Rawlinson, E. A. Wallis Budge, Gaston Maspero, Agnes Sophia Griffith Johns
bookDiscovery of Ancient Egypt: History, Archaeology & Ancient Texts : Including: The Book of the Dead, The Magic Book, Stories and Poems of Ancient Egypt, The Rosetta Stone, Hymn to the Nile, The Laments of Isis and Nephthys, The Egyptian Book of Herodotus
Arthur Gilman, George Rawlinson, Gaston Maspero, Agnes Sophia Johns, E. A. Budge
bookEgypt: Ancient Sites and Modern Scenes
Gaston Maspero
bookLes Contes populaires de l'Égypte ancienne : Traduits et commentés par Gaston Maspero
Gaston Maspero, Ligaran