
Learn Design and Analysis of Algorithms in 24 Hours


Table Of Content

Chapter 1: Greedy Algorithm with Example: What is, Method and Approach

What is a Greedy Algorithm?

History of Greedy Algorithms

Greedy Strategies and Decisions

Characteristics of the Greedy Approach

Why use the Greedy Approach?

How to Solve the activity selection problem

Architecture of the Greedy approach

Disadvantages of Greedy Algorithms

Chapter 2: Circular Linked List: Advantages and Disadvantages

What is a Circular Linked List?

Basic Operations in Circular Linked lists

Insertion Operation

Deletion Operation

Traversal of a Circular Linked List

Advantages of Circular Linked List

Disadvantages of Circular Linked List

Singly Linked List as a Circular Linked List

Applications of the Circular Linked List

Chapter 3: Array in Data Structure: What is, Arrays Operations [Examples]

What are Arrays?

Concept of Array

Why do we need arrays?

Creating an Array in Python

Ways to Declare an Array in Python

Array Operations

Creating an Array in C++

Array Operations in C++

Array Operations in Java

Chapter 4: B TREE in Data Structure: Search, Insert, Delete Operation Example

What is a B Tree?

Why use B-Tree

History of B Tree

Search Operation

Insert Operation

Delete Operation

Chapter 5: B+ TREE : Search, Insert and Delete Operations Example

What is a B+ Tree?

Rules for B+ Tree

Why use B+ Tree

B+ Tree vs. B Tree

Search Operation

Insert Operation

Delete Operation

Chapter 6: Breadth First Search (BFS) Algorithm with EXAMPLE

What is BFS Algorithm (Breadth-First Search)?

What is Graph traversals?

The architecture of BFS algorithm

Why do we need BFS Algorithm?

How does BFS Algorithm Work?

Example BFS Algorithm

Rules of BFS Algorithm

Applications of BFS Algorithm

Chapter 7: Binary Search Tree (BST) with Example

What is a Binary Search Tree?

Attributes of Binary Search Tree

Why do we need a Binary Search Tree?

Types of Binary Trees

How Binary Search Tree Works?

Important Terms

Chapter 8: Binary Search Algorithm with EXAMPLE

What is Search?

What is Binary Search?

How Binary Search Works?

Example Binary Search

Why Do We Need Binary Search?

Chapter 9: Linear Search: Python, C++ Example

What is Searching Algorithm?

What is Linear Search?

What does Linear Search Function do?

How does Linear Search work?

Pseudo Code for Sequential Search Algorithm

C++ Code Example Linear Search

Python Code Example Linear Search

Complexity Analysis of Linear Search Algorithm

How to improve Linear Search Algorithm

Application of Linear Search Algorithm

Chapter 10: Bubble Sort Algorithm with Python using List Example

Chapter 11: Selection Sort: Algorithm explained with Python Code Example

Chapter 12: Hash Table in Data Structure: Python Example

Chapter 13: Tree Traversals (Inorder, Preorder, Postorder): C,Python, C++ Examples

Chapter 14: Binary Tree in Data Structure (EXAMPLE)

Chapter 15: Combination Algorithm: Print all possible combinations of r |C,C++,Python

Chapter 16: Longest Common Subsequence: Python, C++ Example

Chapter 17: Dijisktra's Algorithm: C++, Python Code Example