
Lucidity : The Code of Coherence


Lucidity Lu`cid´i`ty, Noun. (Latin: lucidus “light, bright, clear)"1. The quality or state of being lucid 2. A presumed capacity to perceive the truth directly and instantaneously; clairvoyance. There are further definitions of lucidity, but for me, the word describes our mind in its centered state, when our mind, heart, and intuition are aligned when we are completely present to the moment—fully aware of the mystery and glory of life in and around us. It’s in these often-spontaneous moments that we catch a glimpse of what it might be like to be enlightened, to be conscious of one’s connection to our everything, and to feel at peace. I developed Quantum Medical Hypnosis as a tool to clear away the unconscious obstacles to achieving lucidity, an awakened mind. I will explain later some of the techniques I use in Quantum Medical Hypnosis to approach this state of lucidity, but first, allow me to share a few small stories of my own experiences with lucidity in the hopes that you will recognize some of your own experiences in mine.