Chronic pain is associated with a host of conditions for which traditional medicine has no cure. Increasingly, medical practitioners look to acupuncture to manage pain and other conditions - with over 1 million people in the UK being helped every year, and an estimated 20 million in the USA. This readable, practical and comprehensive guide brings together all acupuncture treatments as well as the latest clinical medical research into their effectiveness. In addition, the author has included observations from his own practice. Easy-to-understand ratings make clear where acupuncture is most likely to work for you. For the first time, the effectiveness of acupuncture based on Western medical science (muscle knots) and traditional Chinese medicine (energy channels) are considered side by side. Some of the applications discussed apart from chronic pain: insomnia, stress, stopping smoking, losing weight, migraine, infertility, pregnancy conditions, menopause, nausea, irritable bowel syndrome, cancer, irritative bladder, drug addiction.
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