
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Audio Practice Toolkit with Knellee Bisram


The core of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction is intensive training in mindfulness meditation and its applications for daily living and coping with stress, illness, and anxiety. Mindfulness meditation is the practice of paying attention, on purpose, moment-to-moment, in a way that is nonjudgmental and nonreactive.

Practitioners report greater equanimity and less distress secondary to uncomfortable sensations, thoughts, and emotions. Join Knellee Bisram in meditation and gain tools needed for Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction.

Titles of tracks to be included:

1. Awareness of breath practice (15 mins)

2. Body scan exercise (20 mins)

3. Body scan exercise (40 mins)

4. Mindful movement (40 mins)- Live

5. Sitting meditation (40 mins)

6. Mountain meditation

7. Lake meditation

8. Loving Kindness meditation

Knellee Bisram, M.A. left her career in international relations and international consulting to dedicate her efforts to AHAM Education. She is a student of meditation, mindfulness and various mind-body modalities for over 35 years, a Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) instructor and Certified Center for Mind Body Medicine (CMBM) facilitator.

"This practice audio toolkit is not a substitute for the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course. If you are a beginner, it is recommended that you practice the audios in the sequence provided, spending at least a week on each practice before moving on to the next, adapting to your safety needs. Alternatively, you are welcome to use this toolkit with the support of a trained mindfulness facilitator or coach or as an audio supplement for an MBSR course. For more information contact knellee@ahameducation.org"

Run Time 4 hours

UpplÀsare: Knellee Bisram