Did your wife cheat on you?
Did you hear the dreaded “I love you, but I’m not IN LOVE with you?”
Is your wife acting like a completely different human being?
Just can’t find the strength to get over her and move on?
Life is not making sense. You want answers, and you want them now.
I’ve been there and done that, my friend. I know exactly what you’re going through. I wrote “NOW WHAT?” as a way to help men understand the phenomenon of the cheating wife, the “walk away wife”, the wife who seems to have completely forgotten what marriage is supposed to be all about. I wrote this to help men take this pain and turn it into something productive and amazing.
In "NOW WHAT?" I talk about the reality of the modern-day dating scene, marriage, Lover vs. Provider, the sex drive, "real love", having a mission.... all the things you need to wrap your head around WHY this happened, HOW you can stop it from happening again, and WHAT you can do to be a better man moving forward in life.
Jag håller inte med om allt, men den att lyssna på boken får dig att tänka över din situation och reflektera. I vissa delar hade jag en hög igenkänningsfaktor och jag tycker att den peppar mig som man samtidigt som den skapar eftertänksamhet.
En bra bok att ta till sig av som man
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