
Practical, Paying, Part-Time Voice-Over : a guide for those who want to explore the exciting world of Voice Acting


Practical, Paying, Part-Time Voice-Over is a guide for both beginners as well as those with some experience who want to explore the exiting world of voice-over.

There's a lot of confusion out there. Is it really as easy as some claim to get into this profession? Or, is it actually as difficult, not to mention costly? This guide cuts to the chase and explains what's really involved and what you can do right now with today's digital technology and changing economy to become a voice-actor.

Start living your dreams today.

What it takes to break into the industry Home studios and what the real costs are Voice demos Marketing Acquiring talent agents Practicing and tips on auditioning Getting work, all over the world Unions and whether or not to join Pay-to-play audition sites Audiobooks Handing rejection Recording at commercial studios How much money there is to be made How to just have fun doing voice-over!

UpplÀsare: Kelly Libatique