"Self-help or self-improvement is a self-guided improvement—economically, intellectually, or emotionally—often with a substantial psychological basis. Many different self-help group programs exist, each with its own focus, techniques, associated beliefs, proponents and in some cases, leaders. Concepts and terms originating in self-help culture and Twelve-Step culture, such as recovery, dysfunctional families, and codependency have become firmly integrated in mainstream language.
Sky is the Limit: The Art of of Upgrading Your Life : 50 Classic Self Help Books Including.: Think and Grow Rich, The Way to Wealth, As A Man Thinketh, The Art of War, Acres of Diamonds and many more
Dale Carnegie, Benjamin Franklin, Charles F. Haanel, Florence Scovel Shinn, Wallace D. Wattles, James Allen, Lao Tzu, Khalil Gibran, Orison Swett Marden, Abner Bayley, P.T. Barnum, Marcus Aurelius, Henry Thomas Hamblin, Joseph Murphy, William Crosbie Hunter, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry H. Brown, Russell H. Conwell, William Atkinson, B.F. Austin, H.A. Lewis, L.W. Rogers, Douglas Fairbanks, Sun Tzu, Samuel Smiles
bookThe Prosperity Bible: The Greatest Writings of All Time On The Secrets To Wealth And Prosperity
Abner Bayley, Benjamin Franklin, B.F. Austin, Charles F. Haanel, Dale Carnegie, Douglas Fairbanks, Florence Scovel Shinn, H.A. Lewis, Henry H. Brown, Henry Thomas Hamblin, James Allen, Joseph Murphy, Khalil Gibran, Lao Tzu, L.W. Rogers, Marcus Aurelius, Napoleon Hill, Orison Swett Marden, P.T. Barnum, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Russell H. Conwell, Samuel Smiles, Sun Tzu, Wallace D. Wattles, William Atkinson, William Crosbie Hunter
bookLives of Boulton and Watt. Principally from the Original Soho Mss : Comprising also a history of the invention and introduction of the steam engine
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bookLives of the Engineers : The Locomotive. George and Robert Stephenson
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Samuel Smiles
bookSelf Help; with Illustrations of Conduct and Perseverance
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bookThe Huguenots in France
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bookLives of the Engineers : The Locomotive. George and Robert Stephenson
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bookA Boy's Voyage Round the World
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bookA Publisher and His Friends : Memoir and Correspondence of John Murray; with an Account of the Origin and Progress of the House, 1768-1843
Samuel Smiles
bookLives of Boulton and Watt. Principally from the Original Soho Mss : Comprising also a history of the invention and introduction of the steam engine
Samuel Smiles