
Self-Love : Accept Yourself for Who You Are and Heal Your Life


This is a 2-book combo, which has the following titles:

Book 1: Too many people are too hard on themselves. Too many people lack a sense of identity.

Today, we will help solve these problems for you. Who you think you are and who you really are, may be two completely different things. In this book, we will go over the essence of self-love, what it means, what it can mean to you in your personal life, your relationships, and so many other areas. Some guidance will include the seven most effective steps to love yourself more, the big dilemma with balancing out self-sacrifice and serving oneself, and how you might be undermining your own self-love.

Do you want more self-esteem, more self-love, or more self-respect?

Book 2: Are you ready to love yourself more?

If so, then this guide is for you. Here, you will learn the 3 most powerful advantages of self-love, the motivation factors it can create and the ones that are behind it, and 8 great steps to love yourself more. Finding a partner can be easier, which is something we will explain in the last chapter. Also, some discussions about self-love versus narcissism will be revealed.

All in all, there is much you can learn from this short book; more than you might expect.

UpplÀsare: Samantha Novak



1 recension



Hon nedvĂ€rderar mĂ€nniskor som inte kan eller vill eller har socialt nĂ€tverk, de som inte kan eller vill ha relationer. Allt handlar om att bli Ă€lskad av mĂ€nniskor och bli uppskattad, först dĂ„ blir man lycklig. Och för att bli Ă€lskad mĂ„ste man Ă€lska sig sjĂ€lv, men det rĂ€cker inte att bara Ă€lska sig sjĂ€lv utan mĂ„let med att acceptera sig sjĂ€lv Ă€r att kunna bli Ă€lskad av andra. Hela boken handlar om det. Hur man kan bli Ă€lskad av andra. HusdjursĂ€gare tycker hon Ă€r patetiska, de tror att den kĂ€rleken Ă€r Ă€kta. Men det Ă€r bara mĂ€nniskor som rĂ€knas. Och man har sjĂ€lv orsakat situationen om man hamnar i en vĂ„ldsam relation, eller blir utsatt för elaka partners. DĂ„ Ă€r man den som orsakat det. Sjukt. Otroligt att den ens fĂ„r vara publicerad hĂ€r! Fy, vilken hemsk bok. Önskar att jag inte hade lyssnat pĂ„ den. Self-Hate, snarare Ă€n Self-Love. Tror jag kommer rapportera boken, för det hĂ€r Ă€r det vĂ€rsta och mest giftiga, manipulativa, jag nĂ„gonsin stött pĂ„ i en bok. VARNING!!