
Sensitive Is the New Strong : The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World

ljudbok och e-bok

The New York Times bestselling author of Dying to Be Me returns with “a gorgeous and powerful field guide to the empath living in today’s wild world” (Laura Berman, PhD, author of Quantum Love) and how they can fully embrace their gifts of intuition and empathy.

Empaths not only sense other people’s emotions, but also absorb them—sometimes to their own disadvantage, often leading to overwhelming sensory overload and feelings of confusion or low self-esteem. Their willingness to help and please others might make them prey to opportunists or cause them to give away more energy than they can afford.

But Anita Moorjani argues that it’s possible to turn this onslaught of emotional burden into a powerful tool. In a time when traits like sensitivity, kindness, and compassion are sorely undervalued, Moorjani helps empaths—whether emerging or acknowledged—navigate obstacles they may face and identify what makes them unique. She teaches them how to claim their true powers as empaths and to be their most authentic selves.

“Sensitive Is the New Strong is a book that provides you with groundbreaking information, tools, and exercises in understanding the challenges faced by empaths. You can learn how to protect your energy and thrive. A definite must-read for empaths and their loved ones” (Nick Ortner, New York Times bestselling author).


51 recensioner



EnastÄende bok och författare, som inte alltid Àr behaglig men som levererar viktiga sanningar om en personlighetstyp: empaten. Empaten Àr den som vÀrlden behöver men som gömmer sig. Empaten Àr den som kÀnner, ser och förstÄr andras behov mer Àn sina egna. Och den som nu verkligen behöver stÀrka upp sig sjÀlv för att kliva fram och vara mer sann och mer hjÀlpande pÄ rÀtt sÀtt, i en vÀrld fylld av rÀdslor, obalans och egoism. Tack Anita Moorjani för att du vÄgar dela dina insikter och erfarenheter pÄ ett sÄ Àrligt sÀtt. LÀs/lyssna pÄ den!