In the ninth installment of the award-winning Maine Clambake Mystery series, Julia Snowden and the Snowden Family Clambake Company return for another case of mystery and murder in Maine-this time, Julia must uncover the murderer of an oyster farmer.
Boiled Over
Barbara Ross
audiobookClammed Up
Barbara Ross
audiobookJane Darrowfield, Professional Busybody
Barbara Ross
audiobookHaunted House Murder
Barbara Ross, Lee Hollis, Leslie Meier
audiobookYule Log Murder
Lee Hollis, Barbara Ross, Leslie Meier
audiobookTorn Asunder
Barbara Ross
audiobookEaster Basket Murder
Leslie Meier, Lee Hollis, Barbara Ross
audiobookHidden Beneath
Barbara Ross
audiobookIrish Coffee Murder
Leslie Meier, Lee Hollis, Barbara Ross
audiobookMuddled Through
Barbara Ross
audiobookJane Darrowfield and the Madwoman Next Door
Barbara Ross
audiobookShucked Apart
Barbara Ross
To Fudge or Not to Fudge
Nancy Coco
audiobookMurder Makes Scents
Christin Brecher
audiobookMother of the Bride Murder
Leslie Meier
audiobookMurder Uncorked
Maddie Day
audiobookFinished Off in Fondant
Rosemarie Ross
audiobookA Matter of Hive and Death
Nancy Coco
audiobookFields' Guide to Smuggling
Julie Mulhern
audiobookFields' Guide to Dirty Money
Julie Mulhern
audiobookOh Say Can You Fudge
Nancy Coco
audiobookFields' Guide to Voodoo
Julie Mulhern
audiobookFields' Guide to Pharaohs
Julie Mulhern
audiobookCobblered to Death
Rosemarie Ross