
Soul Beliefs : Removing The Obstacles That Prevent Breakthrough & Intimacy With God


"Get ready to be challenged in your mindset and encounter God's presence." - Jenny Drott

Soul beliefs are the hidden messages that are etched on our hearts. They are the thoughts that lie dormant until they are triggered by pain, fear, or disappointment. In this book you will:

‱ Discover how removing negative soul beliefs allows you to BELIEVE the Word and not just know the Word.

‱ Learn how to identify and deal with the unrealized, negative soul beliefs.

‱ Discover how soul beliefs create scar tissue and how to prevent it.

‱ Discover how encountering the Spirit of Truth brings about the change you've wanted for so long.

‱ Discover how the "Lover of Your Soul” wants to write His messages on your heart.

Soul beliefs are subtle and even deceptive. You can live comfortably with them, without even realizing they are affecting you. They will often disguise themselves as religious characteristics. Identifying and removing negative soul beliefs allows believers to experience the breakthrough and the intimacy with God they've always longed for. It's time to expose the hidden messages, wounds, and conclusions your soul has made about God, yourself, and others. It's time to get real with God because what comes out of our mouth isn't nearly as important as what we truly believe.

Tammy Hernandez is a wife, mom, speaker, mentor, teacher, and self-proclaimed recovering legalist. After spending too many years trying to earn God's love, she finally fell into the unconditional, loving arms of her Heavenly Father. Tammy makes her home in beautiful Colorado where she enjoys doing life with her incredible husband and four amazing children.

"Wow! This book is Sozo in written form! - Nicole Kary