The Heartwarming Drama Continues in the Song of Blessing Series Anji Baard Moen, a recent widow, returns from Norway with her children. She quickly settles back into life in Blessing, teaching Norwegian history in the high school and writing articles for the Blessing Gazette. When tragedy strikes, Anji steps in to run the newspaper and soon finds a kindred spirit in the widower who owns the printing press. As they spend time together, Anji wonders if there's something more than friendship growing between them. But Anji has also caught the eye of a recent arrival to Blessing. He has put his carpentry skills to good use on the town's building projects, including Anji's house. But Anji is torn between her feelings of loyalty to someone who needs her and the chance to build a new life with this intriguing newcomer. Where will her choice take her?
Saturday Morning
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookA Blessing to Cherish
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookBlessing in Disguise
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookTender Mercies
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookThe Reaper’s Song
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookLand to Call Home
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookA New Day Rising
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookAn Untamed Land
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookA Harvest of Hope
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookAn Untamed Heart
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookA Promise for Ellie
Lauraine Snelling
Lauraine Snelling
The Quilt
T. Davis Bunn
audiobookOnce Upon a Summer
Janette Oke
audiobookAngels Watching Over Me
Michael Phillips
audiobookA Promise to Believe In
Tracie Peterson
audiobookWaiting for Christmas : A Novella
Lynn Austin
audiobookWhere We Belong
Lynn Austin
audiobookHead in the Clouds
Karen Witemeyer
audiobookReturn to Harmony
Davis Bunn, Janette Oke
audiobookLike Gold Refined
Janette Oke
audiobookSins of the Past : A Romantic Suspense Novella Collection
Dee Henderson, Dani Pettrey, Lynette Eason
audiobookFull Steam Ahead
Karen Witemeyer
audiobookBeyond the Gathering Storm
Janette Oke