
Summary of Mark R. Levin's Plunder and Deceit


Summary of Mark R. Levin's Plunder and Deceit calls a threat to the United State’s experiment with democracy. At the heart of the threat is an executive branch of government that is running amok. Its leaders are well meaning, but they are trying to transform the US into a utopia by throwing trillions of dollars at the country’s social problems. The result is a national debt that has passed $18 trillion and continues growing. The soaring increase in debt is unsustainable. Sooner or later, the system will face financial collapse. When that happens, it will be future generations, not the current generation that is supporting the increased government spending, that will be left to pick up the pieces. Levin sees what’s happening as no less than a threat to US democracy.

The reason the executive branch is running amok is that it has shattered the balance of power between the branches of government

UpplÀsare: Paul Adams