Recently I experienced a major stroke. I was completely paralyzed on the right side of my body. It was a "Stroke" of good fortune. This is our opportunity as Brahmins, to transform those which others would view as tragedy into an accumulation of power and blessings. My first thought when I was laying in the hospital, on the first day was "where the hell is Baba when you need him?" I had a typical, unknowledgeable, weak, and powerless reaction, which caused sorrow. The second day, an instrument sister brought a murli and read it to me in which Baba answered me saying "Baba only helps those who have courage". Now my thought was "I have the most courage of anyone I know." And I decided at that moment to put it into practice. Instead of the old bhakti sanskars playing their endless tune of begging for help etc. I decided to claim my rights as a child of the king. Instantly I found myself in Baba's lap. Never did he leave me after that, nor did I leave him. Baba has told us that if we take one small step of courage, he will carry us another thousand etc.
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