The Construction Murders by Arthur Leo Zagat is a riveting mystery set against the backdrop of a high-stakes construction project. When a series of gruesome murders disrupts the bustling construction site, the stakes escalate from mere accidents to a sinister conspiracy. As the body count rises, detective John Smith is brought in to unravel a web of deceit and danger. With each clue pointing to someone on the inside, Smith must navigate a labyrinth of greed, sabotage, and betrayal. Can he expose the killer before more lives are lost, or will the murderer complete their deadly blueprint? Dive into this taut, suspenseful thriller where the line between construction and destruction is dangerously thin.
Hell, Incorporated : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDeath's Dancing School : Doc. Turner Series
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bookDoc. Turner's Kidnap Cure : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Witness From Hell : Doc. Turner Series
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bookSoft Blows the Breeze from Hell! : Dime Mystery Magazine
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bookDoc. Turner's Death Rendezvous : Doc. Turner Series
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bookSlave Buyer : Doc. Turner Series
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bookDoc. Turner Visits A Slaughter House : Doc. Turner Series
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bookLair of the Snake Girl : Terror Tales
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bookThe Death-Cloud : Wonder Stories
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bookThe Revolt of the Machines : Wonder Stories
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bookMistress of the Beast : Wonder Stories
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Doc. Turner's Death Antidote : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDeadlock : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookCorpses on Account : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDeath Set-Up in Yellow : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Witness From Hell : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookGraves Filled to Order : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookMurder Marches By : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookTorture on Morris Street : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Subway Suicide : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner Meets the Angel of Death : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Murder Mask : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Inquisition : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat