
The Continental Dragoon : A Love Story of Philipse Manor-House in 1778


Robert Neilson Stephens' novel, The Continental Dragoon, is a historical fiction masterpiece set during the American Revolutionary War. The book expertly blends historical facts with engaging storytelling, offering readers a vivid portrayal of the war's impact on ordinary people. Stephens' descriptive prose and attention to detail immerse readers in the struggles and triumphs of the protagonist, a young dragoon fighting for independence. The narrative unfolds in a series of gripping scenes that capture the essence of the time period, making it a compelling read for history enthusiasts and fiction lovers alike. The author's meticulous research shines through in the authentic depiction of the era, providing valuable insights into the Revolutionary War's lesser-known aspects. Stephens' ability to bring history to life through storytelling is sure to captivate readers and keep them eagerly turning the pages of The Continental Dragoon.