
The Fifth History of Man


In the spirit of medieval writer Chaucer, all human activity lies within the artist’s scope, the History of Man Series uses medicine as a jumping off point to explore precisely that, all history, all science, all human activity since the beginning of time. The jumping off style of writing takes the reader, the listener into worlds unknown, always returning to base, only to jump off again. History of Man are stories and tales of nearly everything.

The Fifth History of Man has a few parting shots at viruses but mostly continues with the world of parasites, from tick disease that tick us off, Old Lyme, Connecticut and Lyme disease, toxoplasmosis, Crazy Cat Lady and her clowder of cats, then on into a discussion of the avatar of parasites: malaria. Our travels will venture down into the valley: Valley Girls, Valspeak, Valley Fever, fungus and fungal infections. We’ll jump into the biology of evolution, Darwin, Huxley and the great debates, the geology of earthquakes, volcanos, the Ring of Fire, and Johnny Cash, and then through the homos: Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and Homo sapiens, and once the dust cleared how the opposable thumbs, walking erect, and bigger brains left one man standing, one woman, too. No discussion of human history can leave out the G.O.A.T. of French history, heck, of European history; the man, the legend, Napoleon Bonaparte, loved and admired by everyone, even his enemies. Our path will take us into war & military, World War I versus the 1918 Swine Flu, some Russian history and how Stalin got Lenin wrong.