Pastors are tasked with the incredibly demanding job of caring for the spiritual, emotional, and, at times' physical needs of their people. While seminary is helpful preparation for many of the challenges pastors face, there's far more to pastoral ministry than what can be covered in the classroom. Designed as a reference guide for nearly every situation a pastor will face, this comprehensive book by seasoned pastors Kent Hughes and Doug O'Donnell is packed full of biblical wisdom and practical guidance related to the reality of pastoral ministry in the trenches. From officiating weddings to conducting funerals to visiting the sick, this book will equip pastors and church leaders with the knowledge they need to effectively minister to their flocks, both within the walls of the church and beyond.
Disciplines of a Godly Man (Updated Edition)
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bookJames (ESV Edition) : Faith That Works
R. Kent Hughes
bookHebrews (2 volumes in 1 / ESV Edition) : An Anchor for the Soul
R. Kent Hughes
bookMark (2 volumes in 1 / ESV Edition) : Jesus, Servant and Savior
R. Kent Hughes
bookLuke (2 volumes in 1 / ESV Edition) : That You May Know the Truth
R. Kent Hughes
bookActs (ESV Edition) : The Church Afire
R. Kent Hughes
bookJohn (ESV Edition) : That You May Believe
R. Kent Hughes
bookPhilippians, Colossians, and Philemon (2 volumes in 1 / ESV Edition) : The Fellowship of the Gospel and The Supremacy of Christ
R. Kent Hughes
bookEphesians (ESV Edition) : The Mystery of the Body of Christ
R. Kent Hughes
bookRomans : Righteousness from Heaven
R. Kent Hughes
bookThe Sermon on the Mount : The Message of the Kingdom
R. Kent Hughes