Read by Dave Grohl. Features excerpts from five never-before-heard demos performed by Dave Grohl and an original story exclusive to The Storyteller audiobook.
So, I’ve written a book.
Having entertained the idea for years, and even offered a few questionable opportunities (‘It’s a piece of cake! Just do four hours of interviews, find someone else to write it, put your face on the cover, and voila!’), I have decided to tell these stories just as I have always done, in my own voice. The joy that I have felt from chronicling these tales is not unlike listening back to a song that I’ve recorded and can’t wait to share with the world, or reading a primitive journal entry from a stained notebook, or even hearing my voice bounce between the Kiss posters on my wall as a child.
This certainly doesn’t mean that I’m quitting my day job, but it does give me a place to shed a little light on what it’s like to be a kid from Springfield, Virginia, walking through life while living out the crazy dreams I had as young musician. From hitting the road with Scream at 18 years old, to my time in Nirvana and the Foo Fighters, jamming with Iggy Pop or playing at the Academy Awards or dancing with AC/DC and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band, drumming for Tom Petty or meeting Sir Paul McCartney at Royal Albert Hall, bedtime stories with Joan Jett or a chance meeting with Little Richard, to flying halfway around the world for one epic night with my daughters…the list goes on. I look forward to focusing the lens through which I see these memories a little sharper for you with much excitement.
Pure magic, clearly the voice of a century. Such a calming, yet engaging storytelling😘 I enjoyed every minute of this amazing audiobook📖📖📓📓
Den här ljudboken är fantastiskt bra. Den berättelse om Daves liv, från barn till vuxen ålder är en berättelse om hur man kan få kämpa innan man når framgång. Det är en stor fördel att det är hans egen berättarröst som ger stor tyngd till upplevelserna i de olika delarna av hans liv. Det är samtidigt en berättelse om kärleken till hans mamma Virginia och om det makalöst fantastiska sätt hon stöttade honom på. Denna bok är också en kärleksförklaring till musiken och till olika människor inom musikvärlden, levande som döda.
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