First published as "Den Grimme Ælling" in 1843, The Ugly Duckling is one of the best-known and well-loved fairy tales of the Danish poet and author Hans Christian Andersen. An unusual looking young duck is bullied by the other barnyard inhabitants and wanders the world trying to find where he can fit in. This collection also includes The Naughty Boy, The Leaping Match and Sunshine Stories.
The Fir Tree (Unabridged)
Hans Christian Andersen
audiobookThumbelina and Other Stories
Hans Christian Andersen
audiobookLa sombra (Completo)
Hans Christian Andersen
audiobookThe Little Match Girl and Other Stories
Hans Christian Andersen
audiobookAndersen's Fairy Tales (Unabridged)
Hans Christian Andersen
audiobookThe Swineherd - Story Time, Episode 80 (Unabridged)
Hans Christian Andersen
audiobookThe Story of a Mother - Story Time, Episode 79 (Unabridged)
Hans Christian Andersen
audiobookThe Snow Queen - Story Time, Episode 78 (Unabridged)
Hans Christian Andersen
audiobookThe Shoes of Fortune - Story Time, Episode 77 (Unabridged)
Hans Christian Andersen
audiobookThe Shadow - Story Time, Episode 76 (Unabridged)
Hans Christian Andersen
audiobookThe Red Shoes - Story Time, Episode 75 (Unabridged)
Hans Christian Andersen