England, 1861. A world-weary rake and a prim vicar's daughter are thrown together during a holiday house party. Will they discover there's more to each other than meets the eye? Or will revelations from the past end their fragile romance before it begins?
The Devil's Gift
Laura Landon
audiobookDesperately Seeking A Duke
Celeste Bradley
audiobookThe Duchess Hunt
Lorraine Heath
audiobookDusk's Darkest Shores
Carolyn Miller
audiobookThe Road through Rushbury
Martha Keyes
Minerva Spencer
audiobookA Lady Awakened
Cecilia Grant
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Jill Barnett
audiobookThe Harlow Hoyden
Lynn Messina
audiobookThe Spinster and the Rake
Eva Devon
audiobookA Duke Changes Everything : The Duke's Den
Christy Carlyle