In the sequel to The Shadow of the Lion, the demon sorcerer Chernobog, having failed in his attempt to gain power over Venice, enters into a dangerous alliance with the King of Hungary to seize control of Corfu, an island that holds the key to controlling the Adriatic, while the heroes who had saved Venice reunite to stop him.
The Shadow of the Lion
Dave Freer, Eric Flint, Mercedes Lackey
audiobookThe Sorceress of Karres
Dave Freer, Eric Flint
audiobookThe Wizard of Karres
Dave Freer, Eric Flint, Mercedes Lackey
audiobookThe Rats, the Bats, and the Ugly
Dave Freer, Eric Flint
audiobookPyramid Power
Dave Freer, Eric Flint
audiobookSlow Train to Arcturus
Dave Freer, Eric Flint
audiobookPyramid Scheme
Dave Freer, Eric Flint
audiobookThe Shaman of Karres
Dave Freer, Eric Flint
audiobookAll the Plagues of Hell
Dave Freer, Eric Flint
audiobookBurdens of the Dead
Dave Freer, Eric Flint, Mercedes Lackey
audiobookMuch Fall of Blood
Dave Freer, Eric Flint, Mercedes Lackey
audiobookRats, Bats and Vats
Dave Freer, Eric Flint
The Shadow of the Lion
Dave Freer, Eric Flint, Mercedes Lackey
audiobookThis Rough Magic
Dave Freer, Eric Flint, Mercedes Lackey
audiobookMuch Fall of Blood
Dave Freer, Eric Flint, Mercedes Lackey
audiobookBurdens of the Dead
Dave Freer, Eric Flint, Mercedes Lackey
audiobookAll the Plagues of Hell
Dave Freer, Eric Flint
The Ruling Sea
Robert V. S. Redick
audiobookFor the Killing of Kings - The Ring-Sworn Trilogy, Book 1 (Unabridged)
Howard Andrew Jones
audiobook1636: The Flight of the Nightingale
David Carrico
James H. Schmitz
audiobookbookMaster Assassins : The Fire Sacraments, Book One
Robert V. S. Redick
audiobookDragon's Ring
Dave Freer
audiobookRats, Bats and Vats
Dave Freer, Eric Flint
audiobookIsland in the Sea of Time
S. M. Stirling
audiobookThe Red Wolf Conspiracy
Robert V. S. Redick
audiobookAn Oblique Approach
David Drake, Eric Flint
audiobookThe Imaginary Corpse
Tyler Hayes
Kerryn Offord, Rick Boatright