Three Brothers follows the fortunes of Harry, Daniel, and Sam Hanway, a trio of brothers born on a postwar council estate in Camden Town. Marked from the start by curious coincidence, each boy is forced to make his own way in the world - a world of dodgy deals and big business, of criminal gangs and crooked landlords, of newspaper magnates, backbiters, and petty thieves. From bustling, cut-throat Fleet Street to hallowed London publishing houses, from the wealth and corruption of Chelsea to the smoky shadows of Limehouse and Hackney, this is an exploration of the city, peering down its streets, riding on its underground, and drinking in its pubs and clubs.
Rosalind Stopps, Jennifer Rickard, Arike Oke, Carolyn Eden, Elizabeth Simon, Elizabeth Stott, Fiona Salter, Ilona Choudhury, J A Hopper, Jenny Ramsay, Lucy Ribchester, Joanne L. M. M Williams, Elizabeth Hopkinson, Julia Kent, Peng Shepherd, Swati Khurana, Uschi Gatward
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