YES YOU CAN! – LEARN TO TRAVEL THE WAVES OF TIME AND CONTACT BENEFICIAL BEINGS ALONG THE WAY!Don’t Be Frightened...They Won’t Harm You!According to Hungarian born clairvoyant and shaman Maria D’ Andrea traveling through space and time is as easy as walking across the street, though you do have to watch for “unusual traffic” going both ways.In this workbook/study guide you will go beyond Albert Einstein and his “relativity” model of time as this theory is merely one aspect of the four dimensions of the space-time continuum.Science has its place, but the author of the “Yes You Can!” series teaches the reader how to skip the so-called “real world” preliminaries and journey – practically as an act of the will – throughout the past, present and future.Learn to not only slip the “surly bonds” of Earth, but also how to set yourself free in time as you never before dreamed was possible. Maria can help achieve what may be the ultimate freedom a human can experience: the shedding of constraints of time.As an outcome you will be taught how to meet beneficial beings along the cosmic time stream, benevolent beings who can assist in guiding your life for your personal betterment – and without asking anything in return!
Travel The Waves of Time: Contacting Beneficial Beings (Yes You Can Series) :