
Vita Nostra: A Novel


The definitive English language translation of the internationally bestselling Russian novel – a brilliant dark fantasy combining psychological suspense, enchantment, and terror that makes us consider human existence in a fresh and provocative way.

‘A book that has the potential to become a modern classic.’ – Lev Grossman, bestselling author ofThe Magicians

Our life is brief . . .

Sasha Samokhina has just met Farit Kozhenikov and her life will never be the same again.

Whilst on holiday, Sasha is asked by the mysterious Farit to undertake a strange task for him. Reluctantly, she obliges, and is rewarded with a shining golden coin. The more tasks she performs, the more coins Sasha receives until Farit instructs her – against the wishes of her family – to travel to a remote village and use her gold to gain entrance to the Institute of Special Technologies.

Sasha quickly discovers this is no ordinary school. The books are impossible to read, the lessons obscure to the point of maddening, and the knowledge itself refuses to be remembered. Despite this, Sasha undergoes changes that defy matter and time; with experiences that are nothing like what she could have dreamed of before
 but which are suddenly all she could ever want.

But this learning comes at a cost. The school uses terror and coercion to keep students in line: should they transgress at all, their families pay a terrible price

A complex blend of adventure, magic, science, and philosophy, expressed through a distinctly Russian voice, this astonishing story will transport the reader to a place far beyond imagining.

UpplÀsare: Jessica Ball


27 recensioner



Även om sjĂ€lva ploten var klar tycker jag att flera av hĂ€ndelserna i sig var ganska förvirrande, speciellt i slutet. LĂ€mnades med ett ”vad var det som hĂ€nde egentligen?” pĂ„ flera stĂ€llen i boken, vilket sĂ€kert delvis var meningen dĂ„ detta Ă€r en vĂ€ldigt filosofisk berĂ€ttelse som uppmanar och utmanar lĂ€saren att tĂ€nka och tolka sjĂ€lv, men önskar att det funnits lite mer klarhet Ă€ndĂ„ sĂ„ att det fanns lite utrymme för egen analys. Detta Ă€r ingen bok att lĂ€sa enbart för underhĂ„llnings skull utan som lĂ€sare mĂ„ste man vara nĂ€rvarande och ha huvudet pĂ„ skaft (vilket jag dĂ„ uppenbarligen inte hade eftersom författaren tappade mig pĂ„ sĂ„ mĂ„nga stĂ€llen). Men gillar Ă€ndĂ„ att sjĂ€lva temat Ă€r sĂ„ extremt speciellt och sprĂ„ket Ă€r vĂ€ldigt bra.