
What Do You Need Right Now?: A Guided Meditation


Feeling down? No energy? It may be you have a need that's not being fulfilled. When important needs go unfulfilled, we become miserable. Often we move too fast, get too busy and become numb to ourselves: How we feel, how our bodies feel, what we think -- what we need -- to feel happy and healthy.

This guided meditation will help you get in touch with those deeper, unfulfilled needs and get you back to feeling good.

Perhaps you need something simple like time to:

Rest Read a good book Take a walk Connect with the divine Exercise Or it may be something bigger and deeper you need:

A new career Solutions to a troubling relationship Finish an important project you've put off for a long time Take care of your finances Solution to a troubling habit This guided meditation will help you identify these deeper, often unconscious, needs and set you on a path to fulfill them and feel good, again.

As you listen, stay alert to unexpected and deep insights and realizations.

With frequent listening, you will continue to learn more and more about yourself and be able to consistently improve your life, if you choose.

The comforting voice of Dawn McLelland will guide you, along with Rebecca Reads' calming music.

The guided meditation is about 17 minutes long. 10 minutes of just music follow. It is recommended you continue to listen and allow the healing energies to settle deep in your being.

Headphones are recommended.

A 17 minute track, How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., is included.