
Why Authors Fail : 17 Mistakes Self Publishing Authors Make That Sabotage Their Success (and How to Fix Them)


Could A Hidden Mistake Sabotage Your Self-Publishing Success? Even just one missing link in an otherwise perfect plan can kill your results.

The easiest way to avoid these mistakes is to learn from those who have made the mistakes for you, found a way to overcome them, and can take you by the hand to show you the principles you need to follow to guarantee long-term success.

From Broke Valet Parker to Bestselling Author With These Strategies I was once a broke valet parker and struggling writer. Through years of study and after a lot of mistakes, I cracked the code to becoming a multiple #1 bestselling author.

My own experience combined with coaching students from all over the world has revealed the hidden mistakes most authors don't even realize they're making.

So I wrote this book. It's the solution I wish I had when I first started my journey of self-publishing that would have saved me endless headaches and frustration.

Inside You'll Discover ‱ Why struggling authors sabotage any chance of success before they write a single word
 and how to virtually guarantee you’ll have a bestselling book, before you even begin.

‱ Why struggling authors can have the best written book on a topic... but still fail to make it a best selling book.

‱ Why struggling authors often never get their book or series finished
 and how you hack your motivation and creative inspiration to get your book done fast.

‱ Why struggling self publishing authors turn off potential readers before they’ve even had a chance to read their book
 and how you can utilize simple psychological tactics that compel browsers to purchase your book.

After you get your copy of "Why Authors Fail," you'll never again have to worry you don't know what it takes to become the successful author you were meant to be.

UpplÀsare: Derek Doepker