In this third and final installment in the enchanting Wing & Claw trilogy, Newbery Medal-winning author Linda Sue Park sends her young apothecary to the front lines of a fearsome battle, where he must rely on his talents and his friends to defend what he knows is right.
Raffa Santana is a healer, not a fighter. As a gifted apothecary, he has amazing instincts for unleashing the potential of magical-seeming plants. But his skills have failed to free the animals that the heartless Chancellor captured and turned against the people of Obsidiaâdirectly threatening Raffaâs friends and family.
Now Raffa and his ragtag group of allies are preparing to confront the Chancellorâs armies in battle. Great beasts, small animals, and humans alike will be joining the fight, and Raffaâs heart yearns to prevent injuriesâand worseâon both sides of the battle. After all, the Chancellorâs creatures will be fighting against their will. Can Raffaâs instincts for apothecary arts bring a tolerable resolution to an impossibly unfair fight?