
Wonder Why? A Book Of Truth For All Ages


Inspirational daily quotes for each day of the year to encourage emotional growth and explain why certain events happen in your life

Ask yourself the following:

Do you notice the small miracles in your life?

Do you see the truth in mundane events?

Do you like to start your day with a spiritual pick-me-up?

If you answered YES to the above, then this book is for you.

Elsabe Smit has a knack for bringing spiritual teaching into our lives by interpreting events. She sees the truth in small things and brings them in line with the spiritual teachings that are sometimes hard to put into practice.

In this book she shares her wisdom in a simple, effective way by providing snippets for contemplation.

In "Wonder Why? A book of Truth for All Ages" you will learn inspirational daily quotes that will help you to understand:

How your perceptions influence your experience

Why having strong emotions about anything makes your life worse

How to use humour that bites like a lamb rather than a lion

That under the skin we all share the same life experiences

How tradition sometimes is based on wrong information

Why carrying grudges is not healthy

That life and the Universe aims at helping us find balance

What energy is and how to use energy

How to get the best out of change

How to turn incidents into opportunities

And many other themes

The book is written as a series of inspirational daily quotes on which you can pause and reflect every day.