In "A Dark Brown Dog" by Stephen Crane, a poignant and powerful tale unfolds in just a few pages. Set in the post-Civil War era, the story follows the unlikely bond between a young boy and a stray dog with a dark brown coat. Initially mistreated and malnourished, the dog finds solace and affection from the boy, who offers him unconditional love. As their relationship grows, the dog becomes a symbol of innocence and hope, while also revealing the deep-seated prejudices and cruelty of society. With its subtle yet profound exploration of love, cruelty, and the complexities of human nature, "A Dark Brown Dog" leaves readers contemplating the enduring impact of compassion and prejudice.
101 Great American Poems : To My Dear and Loving Husband, The Planting of the Apple-Tree, Concord Hymn, The Arrow and the Song, Alone, Annabel Lee and others
Anne Bradstreet, Phillis Wheatley, William Cullen Bryant, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Edgar Allan Poe, Abraham Lincoln, Oliver Wendell Holmes Holmes, Herman Melville, Walt Whitman, Frances E. W. W Harper, Emily Dickinson, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Ernest Lawrence Thayer, Edwin Arlington Robinson, Stephen Crane, James Weldon Johnson, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Gertrude Stein, Vachel Lindsay, Claude McKay, Countee Cullen, Amy Lowell, James Oppenheim, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Emma Lazarus, Louisa May Alcott, Ellis Parker Butler, Hugh Henry Brackenridge, Matthew Arnold, William Butler Yeats, William Blake, Sara Teasdale, William Barnes
audiobookAnthology of Classic Short Stories. Vol. 2 (Animals)
Saki, Leo Tolstoy, Stephen Crane, Anton Chekhov, Rudyard Kipling, Edgar Allan Poe, Katherine Mansfield, Pu Songlbying, Franz Kafka
audiobookA Dark Brown Dog (Unabridged)
Stephen Crane
audiobookThe Bride comes to Yellow Sky (Unabridged)
Stephen Crane
audiobookThe Black Dog (Unabridged)
Stephen Crane
audiobookThe Red Badge of Courage (Unabridged)
Stephen Crane
audiobookAn Experiment in Misery (Unabridged)
Stephen Crane
audiobookMaggie: A Girl of the Streets (Unabridged)
Stephen Crane
audiobookWar Is Kind (Unabridged)
Stephen Crane
audiobookThe Black Dog (Unabridged)
Stephen Crane
audiobookWhilomville Stories (Unabridged)
Stephen Crane
audiobookThe Black Dog (Unabridged)
Stephen Crane