Big Cats opens with "Charlotte," in which a young girl with a broken pelvis spies on her voluptuous neighbor during a long, hot summer night, setting the tone of irrepressible curiosity and yearning that is evident throughout the collection. In "Get Away from Me, David," a bank manager tries to overcome his haunted past as he deals with the aftermath of a minor earthquake and the body of a customer who died in the lobby. "Big Cats" pits two teenage girls against each other in an escalating catfight at the zoo where they work, culminating in a blowout in front of the lion cage.
Big Cats : Stories
- 195 pages
- 1 book
Holiday Reinhorn
Holiday Reinhorn is a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop; the recipient of a Tobias Wolff Award for Fiction and a Carl Djerassi Fiction Fellowship from the University of Wisconsin, Madison; and a finalist for the PEN/ Short Story Award. A nominee for both the Pushcart Prize and the anthology Best New American Voices, she lives in Van Nuys, California. Her stories have appeared in Tin House, Ploughshares, Gulf Coast, Other Voices, Northwest Review, and other literary magazines.
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