
Chakra Meditation Balancing Cleansing Restore your Chi : healing body mind spirit, calm your mind, improve health, mental wellness, inner connection, refresh centres energetic bodies, englightenment


Chakras are spinning wheels of energy inside our bodies. We have 7 chakras in our body system. Lifeforce energy runs from the root chakra i.e. the base of the body to the crown of the head (I.e. the crown chakra) and beyond

When the chakras are balanced, they spin clockwise. The Nadis in each chakra synchronize in unison with other chakras. All harmony and beauty are reflected perfectly in our physical reality. When the chakras are misaligned or blocked, life can be challenging.

In this audiobook, we will

Align and balance our 7 chakras Clear blocked energies Restore our emotional mental physical bodies Have vibrant energy Feel refreshed Call back our lost soul Integrate our body centers and much more....

Sometimes chakras will also be compensating one another. If one chakra is overly active, the other chakras will be under-active. Vice versa. So we are not aiming to open our chakras but to balance and restore them into harmony.

Narrator: Chantalia