
Creating a Chicana/o Red Road to Decolonization and Aztlan : a Roadmap towards a Native Identity & Worldview


The book explores the Chicana/o lifetime as a cosmic being with eternal cycles of reincarnation and integration. This cosmic journey is examined from the perspective of the Red Road.

The Red Road is the philosophy/worldview/religion of the native Indian tribes/pueblos of North and South America. This worldview promotes integration with Mother Earth and the cosmos to achieve harmony within eternally evolving Existence..

The book has three goals: 1-introduce the Shoshone/Bannock, Mayan, and Aztec/Mexica Red Roads ; 2- assess the need for decolonization from the European heritage in Mexico and the United States; and 3-provide an outline to create your own Red Road.

The outlines and definitions of three native worldviews has never been published before, so it is information/knowledge of first impression.