


From USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author comes the next book in the Laurel Springs Emergency Response Team.

Trust Laramie Briscoe to provide engaging characters in a well-built world I want to revisit again and again. Carly Phillips, NY Times bestselling author.

Sometimes home finds us when we aren’t looking…

Devante Soles

Laurel Springs was nothing more than a dot on the map when I decided I needed a change from the fast pace of Atlanta.

I’m more surprised than anyone else when I look around one day and realize I have friends who have become family, a city that’s become a home, and a girl who's decided to make me believe in love.

Unlike me though, her past has followed her here.

A community that I once never thought I’d have, comes together with me to save her.

Eden Murphy

Chicago wasn’t for me. The bright lights, the embezzlement I should know nothing about, and the made man who changed everything - it all contributed to me leaving. I never felt safe there. Little Laurel Springs though? It’s everything I hoped it would be and more.

My coffee shop, A Whole Latte Love, isn’t doing well, but I’m close to turning a profit.

And Devante? Well he’s more than I ever could have asked for.

But Mario? He’s the one I didn’t count on coming back and demanding what I took…