Inspector Treadgold Investigates by Anthony Weymouth is an illustrated collection of thrilling cases featuring Inspector Treadgold, a Scotland Yard detective renowned for his sharp mind and attention to detail. In this collection, Treadgold faces an array of complex mysteries—from high-society scandals to cryptic clues left at crime scenes. Each story immerses readers in suspense as Treadgold unravels secrets with wit and precision, uncovering hidden motives in seemingly unsolvable cases. The illustrations add depth to Weymouth’s atmospheric storytelling, enhancing this quintessential British detective series.
Cornish Crime. An Inspector Treadgold Mystery. Illustrated
Anthony Weymouth
bookThe Ultimate Collection of Anthony Weymouth. An Inspector Treadgold Mystery. Illustrated
Anthony Weymouth
bookTempt Me Not. An Inspector Treadgold Mystery. Illustrated
Anthony Weymouth
bookNo, Sir Jeremy. An Inspector Treadgold Mystery. Illustrated
Anthony Weymouth
bookHard Liver. An Inspector Treadgold Mystery. Illustrated
Anthony Weymouth
bookFrozen Death. An Inspector Treadgold Mystery. Illustrated
Anthony Weymouth
bookThe Doctors Are Doubtful. An Inspector Treadgold Mystery. Illustrated
Anthony Weymouth
bookInspector Treadgold Investigates. An Inspector Treadgold Mystery. Illustrated
Anthony Weymouth