
Investing for Beginners 2024


YOU’VE FINALLY FOUND THE BOOK THAT WILL WALK YOU THROUGH EVERYTHING THING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT INVESTING. Most people don’t know where to start when it comes to investing and are afraid of losing their money.

We know how overwhelming investing can seem at first glance; after all, there are thousands upon thousands of books written on this topic alone!

Not to mention, the stock market is unpredictable and can be a risky game for new investors. Investing in real estate requires knowledge about mortgages, leases, insurance, repairs, maintenance…etc.

That's why we've condensed everything into an easy-to-follow guide that anyone from beginners to experts can understand.

By following this guide, you will learn all the basics on how to invest in stocks, real estate, or any other investment vehicle that interests you. While learning strategies that have been proven time and time again by experts as well as everyday folks just like yourself!

In this audiobook, you’ll discover:

A step-by-step guide: Learn the in’s and out’s of investing by being guided every step of the way! How to reach your financial goals: Get access to exclusive tips and tricks used by top investors and use them to your advantage. Strategies to get rid of uncertainty: Don’t be afraid to take the leap and begin investing by mastering all there is to know! Freedom to choose your own path: Figure out what type of investor you want to be by learning about different investment vehicles. By following simple steps outlined in "Investing for Beginners 2024", you too will be able to achieve financial freedom through investing smartly!


Narrator: Greg Marty


  1. Millionaire Mindset Mastery: How to Use the Secret Pillars of Money to Gain Long-Lasting Wealth, Develop Strong Habits, Cultivate Self-Discipline, Attract Prosperity, and Achieve Success.

    Greg Marty

  2. Investir Pour Les Débutants: Comment atteindre la liberté financière et accroître votre richesse grâce à l'immobilier, la bourse, les crypto-monnaies, les fonds indiciels, l'immobilier locatif, la négociation d'options, et plus encore.

    Greg Marty

  3. Investire per principianti: Come raggiungere l'indipendenza finanziaria e far crescere la tua ricchezza attraverso l'immobiliare, il mercato azionario, le criptovalute, i fondi indicizzati, la proprietà in affitto, il trading di opzioni e più.

    Greg Marty

  4. Mentalità milionaria e investire per principianti: Preparati per il successo costruendo, mantenendo e sostenendo la ricchezza attraverso l'immobiliare, il mercato azionario, le criptovalute e altro ancora.

    Greg Marty

  5. Mentalità milionaria: Come utilizzare i pilastri segreti del denaro per ottenere una ricchezza duratura, sviluppare abitudini solide, coltivare autodisciplina, attrarre prosperità e raggiungere il successo.

    Greg Marty

  6. Maitriser la mentalité du millionaire et investir pour les débutants: Préparez-vous au succès en bâtissant, maintenant et pérennisant votre richesse grâce à l'immobilier, la bourse, les cryptomonnaies et bien plus encore

    Greg Marty

  7. Maitriser la mentalité du millionaire: Comment utiliser les piliers secrets de l'argent pour acquérir une richesse durable, développer des habitudes fortes, cultiver l'autodiscipline, attirer la prospérité et atteindre le succès.

    Greg Marty

  8. Investir pour les débutants: Comment atteindre la liberté financière et accroître votre richesse grâce à l'immobilier, la bourse, les crypto-monnaies, les fonds indiciels, l'immobilier locatif, la négociation d'options, et plus encore.

    Greg Marty

  9. Investing for Beginners 2024: How to Achieve Financial Freedom and Grow Your Wealth Through Real Estate, The Stock Market, Cryptocurrency, Index Funds, Rental Property, Options Trading, and More.

    Greg Marty

  10. Maitriser La Mentalité Du Millionaire: Comment utiliser les piliers secrets de l'argent pour acquérir une richesse durable, développer des habitudes fortes, cultiver l'autodiscipline, attirer la prospérité et atteindre le succès.

    Greg Marty

  11. Maitriser La Mentalité Du Millionaire Et Investir Pour Les Débutants: Préparez-vous au succès en bâtissant, maintenant et pérennisant votre richesse grâce à l'immobilier, la bourse, les cryptomonnaies et bien plus encore

    Greg Marty

  12. Investing for Beginners 2024

    Greg Marty
