
Is Life Worth Living Without Immortality? : A Lecture Delivered Before the Independent Religious Society, Chicago


In M. M. Mangasarian's thought-provoking book, 'Is Life Worth Living Without Immortality?', the author delves into the age-old philosophical debate of whether life is meaningful without the prospect of an afterlife. Through a series of contemplative essays, Mangasarian challenges traditional religious beliefs by exploring the concepts of mortality, purpose, and the human condition. His intellectual prose and critical analysis contribute to the rich philosophical discourse surrounding the existential dilemma of life without the promise of immortality, making this book a captivating and enlightening read for those interested in existential philosophy. The author's poignant reflections offer readers a deeper understanding of the complexities of human existence and the search for meaning in a secular world. With a blend of logic and emotion, Mangasarian presents a compelling argument that will engage readers to reconsider their own beliefs and values, ultimately prompting them to question the nature of life itself.