
Lost Sci-Fi Books 91 thru 95


Lost Sci-Fi Books 91 thru 95 - Five Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60s

Exhibit Piece by Philip K. Dick - As curator of the Twentieth Century Exhibit, George Miller felt that to do a good job he had to live his work. Then, one day, somebody got into his exhibit and he went to investigate... The Misplaced Battleship by Harry Harrison - It might seem a little careless to lose track of something as big as a battleship ... but interstellar space is on a different scale of magnitude. But a misplaced battleship—in the wrong hands!—can be most dangerous. $1,000 A Plate by Jack McKenty - When Marsy Gras shot off its skyrockets, Mars Observatory gave it the works—fireworks! The Other Now by Murray Leinster - He knew his wife was dead, because he'd seen her buried. But it was only one possibility out of infinitely many! Rabbits Have Long Ears by Lawrence F. Willard - The computer classified it "rabbit" and Montresig was not one to argue, long ears or not!

Narrator: Scott Miller