
Reckoning of the Beast : Paladin Cycle


Welcome back to Buckeye, Texas, ya'll!

This used to be sweet, sweet home . . . but look around now! Place is going straight down the crapper! Might could say the place is goin' to Hell.

Amy's getting released from the hospital, but the strange gemstone in her chest still remains pulsing and vibrant.

Atticus is behind bars, soon to be brought up on felony charges of impersonating an officer, and several counts of manslaughter . . . but he's about to gain a beautiful and sassy partner in crime before going on the run from the long arm of the law.

Meanwhile, Elder Rayden Cai is stirring up trouble of his own in the Order of Abel compound -- too much gypsy brandy perhaps.

The special forces of the Paladins - The Aconites - have arrived at the Order of Abel, under Prefect Cauldrick's executive request. But is he sending these elite warriors to their death on a mission that prophecy says only the Twin Warriors can lay victory to?

And that crazy Cajun Abe . . . he seems to know more than he's lettin' on. Why exactly does he wander the Sacred Oaks woods at all hours of the night?

Poor, poor Scooter is about to learn the true identity of his one and only friend Zack, and their bonds will be tighter than ever.

THE WAR OF THE COSMOS is about to begin . . .

And some new out-of-this-world characters are about to join the fray . . .


Narrator: Ian Murray