
Revenue Disruption : Game-Changing Sales and Marketing Strategies to Accelerate Growth


The stagnant economic growth of today has held businesses back from making the investments needed to incite a revenue revolution. Volatile financial markets, lingering high unemployment and a sense of business uncertainty are holding back the global economy. Revenue Disruption shows companies how to ignite an economic rebirth with a much broader business impact. The predominant sales and marketing model employed by businesses the world over is, at best, obsolete. At worst, its totally dysfunctional. Businesses should start over with a completely new operating methodology based on a sales and marketing approach that recognizes the global technological, cultural, and media changes that have forever transformed the buying and selling process. This revenue dysfunction would be problematic enough if it only caused some companies to lag in terms of sales and marketing efficiency. The dysfunctional state of todays corporate revenue creation model results each year in businesses losing trillions of dollars of top-line growth opportunities. Revenue Disruption examines the causes and consequences of these problems, and recommends real-world solutions to fix them. The book lays out a detailed roadmap with which business people and companies can fundamentally transform their sales and marketing performance and win the 21st century revenue battle.

Narrator: Bob Souer
