
Save the climate, improve your well-being with Cannabis


In just a few decades, humans have managed

to change the global climate significantly,

use up existing resources and trigger species extinction

on an unprecedented scale.

The average age of people rises

continuously, but at the same time the

quality of life decreases. The urgently

needed solutions to both problems should on

the one hand not endanger our standard of

living and enable other people to improve

their situation. Earth and Man have a self-

healing program and the solutions proposed

here can help both by activating this


Cannabis sativa is the oldest and most

versatile plant we know. It has accompanied

people for millennia, today it has largely

disappeared from the surface of the earth, it is time to

rebuild it and give it the space it

deserves. Worldwide cultivation will only

bring benefits.

In more than 30 years as an organic farmer,

the author has learned to see and understand

the relationships in nature. He was able to

deepen and expand his extensive knowledge on

trips and courses all over the world.

With clear words, he encourages us to act

without fear while we still have time.

Nature and our descendants will be thankful

for it.