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Sample Book Insights:
#1 Modern trans activism is based on four axioms: 1. You have an important inner state called a gender identity. 2. For some people, inner gender identity doesn’t match the biological sex – male or female – originally assigned to them at birth. 3. Gender identity, not biological sex, is what makes you a man or a woman. 4. The existence of trans people generates a moral obligation upon all of us to recognize and legally protect gender identity.
#2 The distinction between sex and gender is a central tenet of feminism. It is the belief that cultural expectations about femininity and masculinity are created by and in the interest of men.
#3 Some feminist theorists went even further, arguing that de Beauvoir actually meant that being a woman is essentially social, not biological. Thus, it is no longer necessary to challenge the notion that women are naturally suited for home life rather than professional work or intellectual life.
#4 John Money, a psychologist and paediatrician, developed two important concepts in the field of gender identity: gender role and gender identity. He believed that we all adopt gender roles, but that some people with DSDs may not have outwardly gendered behaviors that match their biological status.