
Taming Beauty


From New York Times bestselling author E.M. Gayle:

"This is a beautiful love story."

Eager to understand her secret desires, Gabrielle enters “The Sanctuary.” Inside she’s immediately torn between fear of the unknown and a craving to learn more, until the lights dim. From the first sound of Thomas’ calm and controlled voice, she is mesmerized. With an underlying need in her emotional spirit that requires more more control, she is easily seduced into an illicit world.

For Thomas, an experienced Master, Gabrielle is an interesting mix of defiant, naive and eager to learn. Her sharp mind and wit appeal to him as much as the curves of her lush figure. He accepts the challenge to help her despite the danger she represents. Long term anything for him is out of the question. If he does his job right, his protĂŠgĂŠ David will end up the perfect man for their timid beauty and Thomas will move on with his armor intact.

Get swept away in their love story as Gabrielle is put at the mercy of two men who teach her how to embrace her darkest needs and most secret fantasies all within a tight bond of trust.

Unfortunately, betrayal lurks on the path to total surrender.

Narrator: Nina Burns